School year schedule
Working and holiday periods 2024-2025
Autumn term 8.8.2024-22.12.2024
- Autumn break 21.10.-27.10.2024
Christmas break 23.12.2024-6.1.2025
Spring term 7.1.2025-31.5.2025
- Winter break 24.2.2025-28.2.2025
- Easter brea 18.4.2025-21.4.2025
- Ascension Day 29.5.2025
Periods and exam weeks
The school year is divided into five seven-week periods. At the end of each period, students have an exam week. Pre-DP students have exams in all subjects they study during a period. Diploma students may have summative exams during all exam weeks depending on which level (HL or SL) they study.
1st period |
8.8.2024-27.9.2024 |
2nd period |
30.9.2024-26.11.2024 |
3rd period |
27.11.2024-3.2.2025 |
4th period |
4.2.2025-3.4.2025 |
5th period |
4.4.2025-31.5.2025 |
Remember to meet the deadlines: both official internal deadlines (for IA, EE, TOK Essay, TOK Exhibition and other externally assessed or moderated work) and deadlines within each subject (course assignments, tests, and presentations) must be met. Deadlines can also be found in ManageBac calendar.
- If you cannot meet a set deadline, you must contact the teacher in question at least 3 school days BEFORE the deadline. If you do not do so, the teacher has the right to not accept your work. This includes class assignments (written and oral) and official IB assignments.
- If you miss the official internal deadline of an IB coursework at draft stage, you will not be registered for your IB final examinations.
- If you miss the official internal deadline of a final IB coursework, your first draft will be submitted to the IBO.
September |
October |
November |
December |
January |
February |
March |
April |
English A |
8.11. 1st |
8.1.F |
English B |
Orals |
Finnish A |
11.10. 1st |
10.1. F |
Finnish B |
Orals |
Russian A |
Orals |
Spanish |
Orals |
Economics |
30.9 II |
15.1 III
Complete portfolio 21.2. F |
History |
15.10. 1st. |
20.12. F |
15.2 F |
Psychology |
Done in IB1 (15.9) |
Biology |
5.10. 1st |
15.12. F |
Chemistry |
30.9. proposal |
17.12. 1st |
17.2. F |
Physics |
31.10. 1st |
30.11. F |
20.1. 1st |
2.3. F |
20.1. 1st |
2.3. F |
EE |
6.10. 1st |
10.12. |
TOK exh |
TOK essay |
17.12.1st |
12.2. F |
IB1 |
September |
October |
November |
December |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
English A (LPR) |
9.5. IO texts+ notes |
English B |
Finnish A |
19.5. IO
Finnish B |
Russian A |
Spanish |
Economics |
31.1. (1. commentary draft) |
21.2. (1. commentary final) |
History |
HI Final Draft 20.12. |
Psychology |
15.4. 1st |
26.5. F |
Biology |
4.5. proposal |
Chemistry |
Physics |
EE |
21.3 Plan |
14.5. outline |
TOK exh |
8.4. 1st |
19.5. F |
TOK essay |
Daily schedule
The courses are placed in eight blocks (1-8) in the course tray. The order of the blocks varies during the working days, see below. The school is teaching in three 75-minute lessons during the week. Note: lessons taught via distance learning equipment start at 11.30 (not 11.00).
Lesson | Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1 | 8.00-9.15 | 1 | 6 | Joint planning | 3 | 7 |
2 | 9.30-10.45 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 6 |
3 |
11.00-12.45 (Pre-IB LPR+all |
4 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 3 |
4 | 13.00-14.15 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
5 | 14.30-15.45 | 8 | Flex | 5 | 2 | 8 |
School lunch
The lunch hours are 10.45 - 11.30 (on Lappeenranta campus), 11.45-12.15 and 12.15-12.45 (on Imatra campus). For special diets, the students have to give a form to the school kitchen personnel.