The IB Diploma Programme opens doors in Finland and abroad
The International Baccalaureate Diploma is an international matriculation examination that is offered in 150 countries. The IB Diploma is equivalent to the Finnish matriculation examination and is an excellent route to university studies both in Finland and abroad.The IB programme is aimed at students aged between 16 and 19. Universities around the world recognise the programme managed by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).
Three years
The IB Diploma Programme experience in the Finnish setting consists of three academic years: a preparatory year (pre-IB) and two actual Diploma Programme years (IB1 and IB2).
During the preparatory year, students receive intensive training in English and familiarize themselves with the working methods used in the Diploma Programme.
At the end of the pre-IB year, students choose the subjects they want to study in the Diploma Programme. These are chosen from the following areas of knowledge: languages, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics. The number of subjects is normally six, of which three are studied at higher level (HL, 240 teaching hours) and three at standard level (SL, 150 teaching hours).
In addition, students participate in a free time programme of creative, physical and service activities (CAS), take a course in Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and compile an Extended Essay.
The language of teaching and examination is English and the curriculum is the same all over the world.
Focus and depth
The IB Diploma Programme offers the opportunity to focus on particular subjects and to reach a greater depth of understanding in them. A final examination is taken in each subject that has been studied. Learning is set up as a well-structured process, where class discussion, students working together and individual interests all play an important role. Critical thinking is practiced in the subjects and in the TOK. The CAS programme encourages students to participate in activities outside of school. The Extended Essay gives students excellent skills for completing research-based written assignments at university level.
In the same way as in the Finnish system, students take final examinations at the end of the programme. In addition to the final examinations, IB Diploma grades are also based on the studies and essays written and, in the case of languages, oral examinations performed during the DP years. The examinations are assessed on a scale of 1-7, and all assessment is criterion-based. The examinations and the IB Diploma requirements are the same all over the world.
A warm and open-minded community
In the IB, students study with the same classmates for three years. We get to know each other. Our student body is international, with currently 20 different nationalities on campus. We are respectful and supportive of each other, appreciating, as the IB puts it, “that other people, with their differences, can also be right.” Our IB classes tend to have a fabulous team spirit.
We are IB, but IB is a part of the wider school community on our two campuses in Imatra and Lappeenranta. IB students take part in whole-school activities and traditions of Finnish high school life.