
Regulations for IB studies at South Karelia IB World School

General regulations 


  • Attendance is compulsory.
  • IB learners are required to be present and punctual.
  • By arriving on time for lessons, you show consideration for other people.


  • Valid excuses for absence are illness or having to represent the school.
    • Inform your teacher on Wilma right away when you know you are going to be absent.
    • When your teacher marks you as absent on Wilma, your guardian needs to explain the absence. Ask your guardian to do this regularly.
  • Absence for other reasons: written application before the absence
    • 1 lesson: permission from the subject teacher
    • 1-2 days: permission from the homeroom teacher
    • 3-5 days: IB Coordinator
    • Longer absences than 5 days are not granted
  • Your subject teachers and homeroom teacher follows your absence record on a weekly basis. You and your guardian will be contacted, and a meeting arranged, if there are any concerns about your absence record.
  • If you are absent from an exam without a valid reason, you will be left unassessed, and your guardians will be contacted.
  • If you are absent from an exam due to an illness, you have to verify this with a certificate from a nurse or a doctor.
  • Driving lessons or work must not be scheduled during normal school hours.
  • You are required to make up any work you have missed during your absence. 
  • A more detailed description of actions at different levels of absence/ missed work is described in the attached absence model. 

Model for addressing absences  (PDF) 


Regulations concerning pre-IB and Diploma Programme studies

 Regulations for continuing from pre-IB to IB1

  • During pre-IB, the minimum of course credits is 60, including the compulsory pre-DP studies and the courses from the school’s national curriculum.
  • No Ps (missing assignments) or Ks (course interrupted) are allowed after the 5th period assessment
  • All pre-DP students need to have a grade point average of 7,0 for subjects they want to study at standard level and 8,0 for subjects at higher level (in Mathematics higher level 9,00) in the spring term report.

Regulations for continuing from IB1 to IB2

  • The total grade is not less than 24 in 6 subjects (self-taught Language A candidates 20 in 5 subjects) in the spring term report.
  • No standard level subject grades lower than 2.
  • No higher-level subject grades lower than 3.
  • All the required written assignments and other tasks set by the IB Faculty completed (following the given deadlines).
  • A plan for the EE must be handed in to the supervisor.

Leaving the IB studies or repeating IB1 or IB2

  • Contact the student counsellor and the IB coordinator.
  • Recommended before the beginning of the new school year.
  • Be prepared to rewrite internal assessment assignments.

Changing subjects or subject levels

  • Not recommended, but if you have to change the subject, do it by the end of the first period.
  • Change the subject level by the end of the first period as well.
  • Discuss with the subject teacher before you make the change.
  • Contact the DP Coordinator and discuss the change with her.

Academic honesty

You are not permitted to copy or use anything without citing the sources. This also applies to content generated by AI programmes, which should be used with great care and under guidance from your teacher. If you copy or plagiarize something without citing:

  • The first time: the IB coordinator, the principal and your parents will be contacted. You have to rewrite the whole assignment.
  • The second time: the IB coordinator, the principal and your parents will be contacted. You may not rewrite the assignment and you will lose the points (including not submitting your work to the IB if this is an official IB assignment). The principal also gives you a written warning.
  • The third time: the IB coordinator, the principal and your parents will be contacted. You may not rewrite the assignment and you will be dismissed from school for two weeks.

What happens if you are in breach for the first time? If you are found in breach of the regulations for the second time in the May examinations, this will normally lead to disqualification from participation in any future examination session (IBO: General regulations).
